What Are the Differences between Dehydrated and Dry Skin?

What Are the Differences between Dehydrated and Dry Skin? - Jarvant Cosmetics

In a nutshell, the distinction between dry skin and dehydrated skin is that the former refers to a specific skin type, whereas the latter refers to its current state. While the characteristics of dehydrated skin frequently overlap, they differ in a number of ways.

Dry Skin

Dry skin is genetically determined and usually manifests itself at an early age. It is characterized by insufficient oil (sebum) production by the sebaceous glands in the skin. Symptoms such as dryness, flaking, cracking, and discomfort often occur. It is prone to fine lines and wrinkles and can feel rough and uneven to the touch.Products, especially those with harsh ingredients, are more likely to irritate dry skin and cause sensitivity. Dry skin needs occlusive, nourishing, and moisturizing products in the right proportion that will help restore the lipid barrier and retain moisture.

Dehydrated Skin

This is a temporary skin condition that can affect any skin type, including oily skin. It occurs when the skin loses moisture rather than sebum. This can be caused by external factors such as poor hydration, exposure to sun, wind, and cold or internal factors such as lack of sufficient fluid intake in the body, improper diet, and stress.

Dehydrated skin may appear normal, even oily, but still lack moisture. It may look tired, with loss of radiance and elasticity, and have pronounced lines of dehydration around the eyes and lips.

Dehydrated skin may react more sensitively to products, but is usually not as prone to irritation.

It needs to restore moisture levels. Therefore, it’s  recommended to use moisturizing products that will help retain moisture and restore its balance.

That is why balance is one of the reasons why dirt and harmful microorganisms penetrate the skin tissue much easier. It then becomes more susceptible to the development of various types of allergies and diseases.


Is It Possible for the Skin to Be Both Dry and Dehydrated?

Yes, of course. In some cases, there is a need for occlusive, moisturizing, and emollient products. They will help both to restore the lipid barrier and to retain moisture. Choose them according to the type of skin you have.


Tips for Healthy Skin

Now it is time to discuss the best tips for healthy and beautiful skin, such as:

  • Drink enough water;
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle: – proper diet, regular physical activity, enough sleep, avoiding alcohol use, smoking, and stress;
  • Regularly clean the skin with gentle products that do not dry the skin;
  • Apply appropriate products to damp skin according to its type. This will help retain moisture and facilitate deeper penetration of products into the skin;
  • Avoid hot water – it further dries the skin;
  • Avoid using cosmetics with harsh ingredients;
  • Use sunscreen; 
  • Visit a dermatologist, who will provide individual advice and recommendations for your skincare.

The deepest layers of our skin contain about 70% water, and when healthy and hydrated, the stratum corneum – 20% water. If the percentage is less than this, our skin may look dull, dry, and flaky, and the barrier function will be impaired. Any further drying can lead to painful signs of dry, flaky skin and reduced overall skin tone.

Occlusives, as we well know, are ingredients suitable for extremely dry skin. Emollient ingredients nourish the skin and stop moisture loss, while they and moisturizing ingredients effectively prevent dryness.

Several oils, such as argan oil, grapeseed oil, macadamia, and camellia, which are contained in The Face Oil Elixir, have a moisturizing and at the same time hydrating effect. They are a great choice when it comes to nourishing dry and/or dehydrated skin, because of their high content of vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids that supply the skin with vital nutrients.


Taking proper and regular care of our skin makes it soft, glowing and smooth, radiating vitality and radiance. Because our skin retains its youthfulness for longer when it is well-hydrated.