The Barrier Function of the Skin – Why Is It so Important to Keep It Healthy?

The Barrier Function of the Skin – Why Is It so Important to Keep It Healthy?

Our skin needs tender care to perform its functions properly. However, to understand why it is so important to keep it healthy and how to keep it that way, we need to look at its structure in more detail.

The skin is made up of three layers: the hypodermis, the dermis, and the epidermis, the latter being divided into five sublayers, the outermost of which is the stratum corneum. These cells, known as corneocytes, make up a vertically stacked column of cells.


What are corneocytes?

Corneocytes are flat and lifeless cells that are filled with keratin, a protein that gives them strength. They are connected by special structures called desmosomes, which provide stability and integrity to the stratum corneum.

The process of corneocyte formation (keratinization) begins in the lower layers of the epidermis, where these cells multiply and gradually move to the surface of the skin. Passing through different stages and changing their structure, keratins reach the surface of the skin and are deposited as dead cells (corneocytes), which form the protective layer of the stratum corneum and contain keratin.


What is keratin?

Keratins are highly resistant to external influences and help prevent water loss and the entry of harmful substances into the skin. They also give the skin elasticity and flexibility.

The epidermal renewal process includes the continuous detachment and formation of new corneocytes. The corneocyte retention time on the stratum corneum is about two to three weeks.

The intercellular space of corneocytes is filled by lipids (the so-called lipid matrix), which combine into lamellae and are positioned between cells.  They are composed of various fatty acids, cholesterol, and ceramides. They constitute the lipid barrier. It prevents the loss of water and moisture from the skin and plays an important role in maintaining hydration and protecting the skin from the penetration of harmful substances and microorganisms. Lipids also give the skin smoothness and softness.


Natural moisturizing factor (NHF)

Immediately below the lipid barrier, in the intercellular space, is the natural moisturizing factor (NHF), a combination of amino acids, fatty acids, and other natural moisturizers that are formed in the epidermal cells and exuded to the skin surface. EOP plays an important role in maintaining hydration. It helps retain moisture in the epidermis and prevents skin dryness and dehydration.

The main role of the lipid layer is to keep the water balance in the skin, and the natural moisturizing factor takes care of its hydration when the skin barrier is broken. Therefore, moisturizing and hydrating are different processes that are extremely important for the health and flawless appearance of our skin.

The stratum corneum is covered with a fine emulsion of water and oil (sebum) secreted by the sebaceous glands and is known as the hydrolipid mantle. It helps to keep the skin hydrated, prevent moisture loss, and act as an additional barrier against bacteria and fungi.

The aqueous portion of this sheath, known as the acid mantle, is composed of various acids from sweat, free fatty acids from sebum, amino acids, and other natural moisturizing factors. The acid mantle has a protective function and helps maintain the optimal pH level for healthy skin with a value between 4.5 and 5.5. This is the ideal environment to maintain a balanced skin flora and to destroy harmful microorganisms. This protects the skin from external aggressors.

The acid mantle plays a role in the regulation of various epidermal functions, including sebum production, exfoliation, cell renewal, and skin barrier function.


What Is the Skin Barrier?

The skin barrier is a broad term that encompasses the stratum corneum, the lipid layer, the natural moisturizing factor (NHF), the hydrolipid layer, and the acid mantle.

If any of the structures of the skin barrier are disrupted, it cannot perform its functions fully. It’s important to mention that any skin barrier that is not functioning properly becomes the root cause of various skin diseases.

Benefits of using The Moisturizing Cleanser with Niacinamide

The delicate washing gel, enriched with the moisturizing properies of Aloe Vers and the amazing multifunctional ingredient niacinamide (Vitamin В3) gently, but intesively cleanses the skin in depth from dead cells, excess sebum, impurities and make up, includig waterprof, without irritating the eyes.

Why Is It Fundamental for Our Skin’s Barrier Function to Be Healthy?

It is essential for the good functioning of the skin and its health. It plays several important roles:


Protection from External Factors:

The barrier function of the skin protects against the effects of harmful external factors such as bacteria, viruses, dirt, and UV rays. It acts as a physical barrier that prevents the penetration of these substances into the deep layers of the skin and the body as a whole.


Water Balance Regulation: 

The barrier function of the skin helps retain moisture in the skin and prevent moisture loss. This is essential for maintaining skin hydration and preventing dryness and dehydration.


Temperature Regulation:

The skin plays an important role in regulating body temperature. The barrier function of the skin helps to maintain optimal body temperature by preventing excessive moisture evaporation and heat loss.


Maintaining Acid Balance:

The skin has a slightly acidic pH, which helps maintain its health. The barrier function helps maintain this pH balance and prevents the penetration of harmful substances that can disrupt the skin’s acid balance.


Maintaining the Structure and Elasticity of the Skin

The barrier function helps to preserve its structure and elasticity. It prevents the loss of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the health and youthful appearance of the skin.

A healthy skin barrier function is essential for maintaining good skin aesthetics and functioning. Its disruption can lead to a variety of problems such as dryness, irritation, inflammation, and infection. It is therefore important to maintain and strengthen it through proper internal and external care.


Changes in the Barrier Function of Our Skin:

Over time, the skin’s protective barrier becomes subject to several changes due to various exogenous and endogenous factors.

From pollution through the influence of multiple allergens, hormonal imbalances, external agents, and adverse environmental conditions. These are just some of the causes that damage the epidermal barrier and lower its protective forces.


How Can We Keep Our Skin’s Barrier Function Healthy?

To strengthen our skin’s epidermal protective barrier as much as possible and therefore increase its immune protection, we should follow a few tips:


Keep Your Skin Hydrated

It is recommended to use the gentlest possible products with natural compositions that are suitable for your skin. Daily moisturizing with hydrating products is also of utmost importance. The ingredients that should be emphasized in the content of the respective cosmetics are mainly divided in three categories:

  • Emollients that refresh and make the skin smooth;
  • Occlusives that create a barrier on the skin surface and prevent transepidermal water loss;
  • Humectants that retain water in the stratum corneum.


Avoid Excessive Sun Exposure

To maintain hydration in the skin, consume an appropriate amount of water. Keep your diet healthy with foods high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals to promote your skin’s health.


Say “No” to Nicotine and Alcohol

It has been scientifically proven that with each inhalation of tobacco smoke, over 5,000 chemical substances come into contact with tissues.


Do Not Stress

Make it a priority to set aside time for yourself because stress is all around us. 


You should see your dermatologist regularly

It is thus possible to detect skin problems early, treat them quickly, and preserve their healthy barrier function. 


Following these recommendations and proper care can help preserve the barrier function of the skin to keep it beautiful and radiant.

Because beautiful skin is healthy skin!